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Plastic debonding sleeve to be used in conjunction with the Tecties Safety plain end or safety plain safety movement ties.
Product code : 83JTTDS
Designed to restrain the top of the inner leaf of cavity walls.
Product code : 83JTTF
Designed to restrain the top of the inner leaf of cavity walls and allows vertical movement between the inner leaf and the structure.
Product code : 83JTTIH
Plastic retaining disk to hold back insulation in conjunction with a wall tie.
Product code : 83JTTID1
Designed to restrain masonry to vertical structures.
Product code : 83JTTSCT
Stainless steel frame cramp.
Product code : 83JTTSFC
Stainless steel frame cramp with v-drip.
Product code : 83JTTSFCV
Designed to provide restraint in one direction and movement to allow for horizontal expansion and contraction.
Product code : 83JTTSPB
Product code : 83JTTSPE
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