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Knauf Jointing Range

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Showing 19-27 of 34
Knauf Fill And Finish 30 Premium 10Kg Bag

Knauf Fill and Finish 30 Premium

A fast-setting multi-purpose gypsum-based compound for bedding tapes and beads, as well as finishing. For hand application.

Product code : 53WBFFP3

Knauf Fill And Finish 60 Premium 10Kg Bag

Knauf Fill and Finish 60 Premium

A fast-setting multi-purpose gypsum-based compound for bedding tapes and beads, as well as finishing. For hand application.

Product code : 53WBFFP6

Knauf Joint Cement Premium

Knauf Joint Cement Premium

Knauf Joint Cement Premium is for finishing joints by hand, giving an exceptional finish that requires minimal sanding.

Product code : 53WBAJCP

Knauf Joint Filler Premium

Knauf Joint Filler Premium

A fast-setting gypsum compound for bedding joints by hand application.

Product code : 53WBAJFP

Knauf Flexible Metal Tape

Knauf Flexible Metal Tape

A Flexible Metal Tape for varying angles.

Product code : 53WRFMT

Knauf Joint Tape

Knauf Joint Tape

A white tape for reinforcing joints, creating the strongest joints, especially ideal on ceilings.

Product code : 53WBAJT

Marmox Self Adhesive Waterproof Tape

Marmox S/A Waterproof Tape

Tape used for waterproofing the joint between Marmox Multiboards.

Product code : 62YACSA

Siniat Aquamix

Siniat Aquamix

Specifically formulated for use with Siniat Aqua system.

Product code : 53BCAQ

Siniat Aquastrip

Siniat Aqua Strip

Used in conjunction with Aqua Board and Aquamix to provide a complete tilebacker solution.

Product code : 53BCAQR


Showing 19-27 of 34

Taping and jointing creates a smooth finish on plasterboard ensuring it’s ready for painting and decoration. We supply a range of tape and jointing products including sealants, tapes, joint cements and adhesives.

Our range of tape and jointing products is supplied by leading manufacturers and provides a better finish for follow-on trades.

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